Amazing photos of Toyah from Saturday’s final Songs From The Intergalactic Ranch House date at the O2 Academy, Islington. Click below to view larger versions of these, and more, at Dreamscape’s Gallery. (Thanks to Damon | Photos © Damon King)

Fantastic photos of Toyah from Saturday’s final Songs From The Intergalactic Ranch House date at the O2 Academy, Islington. Click below to view larger versions at Dreamscape’s Gallery. (Thanks to Mark | Photos © Mark Evans)

Watch Mark’s video footage from Saturday’s gig at You Tube. Lärwi, of The Toyah Willcox Interview Archive, has also uploaded almost the entire concert too.
Browse Dreamscape’s dedicated news feeds on each of Toyah’s three 2014 UK Tours:
Acoustic, Up Close & Personal
Crimson Queen/Greatest Hits…Live!
Songs From The Intergalactic Ranch House
• You can also view the entire Live 2014 archive, which includes news on all of the above as well as the other non-tour live gigs and appearances that took place this year.
The final date of the Songs From The Intergalactic Ranch House tour takes place tonight, at the O2 Academy, Islington. Indeed, it’s the final live concert of 2014 for Toyah – an exceptionally prolific year of dates, with three UK tours as well as festivals. PAs and more. Next year is looking busy too (expect an announcement on this via Breaking Through soon). Toyah has been tweeting about tonight’s gig over the past few days. A huge thanks to everyone who contributed photos to Dreamscape’s Toyah Live 2014 Gallery

Forever a member of the exclusive Mononymous Club, Toyah is perhaps best known to most today as a TV personality appearing on quiz shows and umpteen celebrity reality programmes.
To others she will always be remembered as the once wild woman of British mainstream pop who in the early Eighties broke the mould for female singers who previously only sang songs about unrequited love. Starring roles in iconic films Quadrophenia and Jubilee cemented Toyah’s reputation as being bold and rebellious further still.
Gigging consistently since the beginning of her career the interestingly titled latest tour, Songs From The Intergalactic Ranch House, named after her original fan club, is a retrospective celebration spanning the 1979 release of her debut album, Sheep Farming in Barnet through to her last solo studio album In The Court Of The Crimson Queen.
• Continue reading at the Bristol Post.
Great photos of Toyah, by longtime friend of this site Chris, from last night’s Songs From The Intergalactic Ranch House date at the The Fleece, Bristol. Click below to view larger versions of these, and more, at Dreamscape’s Gallery. (Thanks to Chris | Photos © Chris Cox)

Fab shots of Toyah from Friday’s Songs From The Intergalactic Ranch House date at The Brook, Southampton. Toyah is holding the full set of the fanzines which my good friend Merx presented her with at the gig. Click below to view larger versions at Dreamscape’s Gallery. (Thanks to Merx | Photos © Merx)

Following a great gig last night at The Brook, Southampton, the penultimate date of Toyah’s Songs From The Intergalactic Ranch House UK Tour takes place tonight at The Fleece in Bristol. There’s been such a good response to this tour and the setlist. The final date is next Saturday at the O2 Academy, Islington. Click below for details.

Just added to Dreamscape’s Gallery, a great selection of photos from the Birmingham and Leeds dates of the Songs From The Intergalactic Ranch House UK Tour. Click below to view these and more. (Thanks to Tony Ames, Mark Rogers & Ray Sears for these great photos)

The latest date of Toyah’s Songs From The Intergalactic Ranch House tour takes place tonight, at The Haunt in Brighton. To mark the occasion here is a great photo of Toyah from last month’s first date of the tour in Birmingham. Browse our news, so far, on the IRH Tour. Click below for info and ticket links. (Thanks to Craig | Photo © Craig Astley)

Due to one thing or another – being super busy with the Christmas fanzines, work, life, and having a week’s holiday – I missed posting about the final day of’s great IRH Tour countdown. It was the third “Five Live” Toyah EP, so now is a good time to look at the set:

Five Live (Volume One: Rarities): Indecision (Belfast 1981); Ghosts (London 1981); We Are (London 1981); Victims Of The Riddle (Germany 1982); The Packt (Glasgow 1982) – Listen here…
Five Live (Volume Two: Hits): It’s A Mystery (Belfast 1981); I Want To Be Free (Germany 1982); Thunder In The Mountains (Germany 1982); Good Morning Universe (Germany 1982); Brave New World (Glasgow 1982) – Listen here…
Five Live (Volume Three: Classics): Race Through Space (Belfast 1981); Angels & Demons (Belfast 1981); Neon Womb (Germany 1982); Angel and Me (Glasgow 1982); Jungles Of Jupiter (Glasgow 1982) – Listen here…
• Revisit the full countdown at The Official Toyah Willcox Website.
She may be 56 and stand a mere 5ft 1in tall, but there’s no denying that actress, singer and TV presenter Toyah Willcox remains a powerhouse of energy on stage. Last Friday, her 1979 track Danced proved just that… and no doubt left more than a few of us in the audience with sore ankles the next day, having stupidly joined in with the bouncing. We are old enough to know better.
Actually, it’s hard to believe that is 32 years since I went to my first Toyah gig – The 1982 Changeling Tour at the Playhouse, for those who may have been there. Back then she easily sold out the 3000 seater… and I had dyed orange hair. Friday was a more intimate affair and all the better for it… I’ll pass on a hair update.
• Continue reading at the Edinburgh Evening News.
A fab shot of Toyah from last Friday’s Songs From The Intergalactic Ranch House date at the Classic Grand, Glasgow. Click below to view a larger version at Dreamscape’s Gallery. (Thanks to Sharon | Photo © Sharon Dickson)

Toyah Willcox is one of those performers who seems to be in the public eye but these days is never quite as much in our faces in the way she used to be. Known more these days for TV appearances and her acting it’s easy to forget that she took that acting talent onto the music scene to establish herself as one of the most intense performers to have survived the 1970s UK punk scene.
Tonight she lived up to that reputation from the moment she came on stage exploding into the energy of All In A Rage, her voice still perfect, and making it plain that she was the star here and the focus. She took to the front with her band in darkness against the back line to emphasise her presence. The crowd was here to see her and she was not about to disappoint them.
• Continue reading at Birmingham Live.
Toyah’s autumn tour, Songs From The Intergalactic Ranchouse kicked off in Birmingham on 18 October and so far has wowed Leeds, Glasgow and Manchester.
The tour is treating fans to a reworked set list which spans Toyah’s whole career from Sheep Farming In Barnet through to Crimson Queen. For the first time ever, selections from Minx are included with a fantastic rendition of Soul Passing Through Soul which can you hear a special audio preview of on this page or at Toyah’s official Soundcloud.
• Continue reading at
A lovely photo of Toyah and Richard, taken at the first date of the IRH Tour in Birmingham the weekend before last. Richard is doing the Fan Faq in the Christmas Issue of our Toyah fanzine too. Click below to view a larger version of this photo, and more, at Dreamscape’s Gallery. (Thanks to Richard | Photo © Richard Smith)

A couple of great photos of Toyah from last night’s Songs From The Intergalactic Ranch House opening tour date, at HMV Institute in Birmingham. Fans in attendance are already saying it was one of the most eclectic, and best, set lists they can remember. The tour continues at Leeds University Union this Thursday. Click below to view larger versions of these photos at Dreamscape’s Gallery. (Thanks to Paul Crutchley| Photos © PAC Photography)

This evening sees the first date of Toyah’s Songs From The Intergalactic Ranch House UK Tour take place, at the HMV Institute in Birmingham. There’s been a great build up/countdown to the tour via the official website, and Toyah has added to the excitement with teaser tweets about the set list and possible outfits: “Running set list for 1st nite 2orrow. Its a heavy heavy gothic start……then lightens up half way. We will send u home dancing“. Wishing Toyah and the band a happy and successful tour.

It’s the penultimate day of’s countdown to the start of the Songs From The Intergalactic Ranch House tour. Yes, the first gig takes place tomorrow in Birmingham (Toyah has been tweeting photos of more potential outfits for the tour).
On Wednesday a selection of Intergalactic Ranch House era pamphlets & leaflets were made available via the countdown. Yesterday vintage live performances of classic singles from UK & Germany were added as ‘Five Live | Vol Two: Hits’, and today a scrapbook of articles and reviews, some rare, from the late 70s/early 80s.
• Visit the countdown/Open door 17 here.
Day 14 of the countdown to Toyah’s IRH Tour saw a new Jubilee page/section added to – Open door 14 by clicking below.

It’s Day 13 of the countdown to Toyah’s Songs From the Intergalactic Ranch House tour, and the first date, taking place at the HMV Institute in Birmingham this Saturday.
Day 11 of the countdown saw some fantastic rare photos of Toyah from 1980 added to the official site. Yesterday the ‘Five Live | Vol One: Rarities’, a selection of live songs from various 1981/82 Toyah tours, was made available.
Today there’s an archive of press adverts and posters for Toyah tours and gigs, including some rare early clippings.
• Visit the countdown/Open door 13 here.