Welcome to May! What better way could there be to start Toyah’s birthday month than with this fantastic, pre-gig, photo of a gorgeous Toyah, taken at The Robin2, Wolverhampton on Saturday night. Please click on it to zoom. (Thanks to Lee Hopkins)

Toyah, just arriving in Manchester, this morning ahead of tonight’s gig at The Ruby Lounge. Pictured with Paul Lomas and Michael O’Brien. (Thanks to Paul for the photos)

Amazing photos of Toyah from ‘The Changeling Resurrection’ Robin2, Wolverhampton gig on Saturday night. These have all been added to the TCR tour gallery. Toyah tweeted yesterday: “Wolverhampton….amazing! Loveliest crowd. Brave New World sent shivers down my spine“. This evening Toyah brings ‘The Changeling Resurrection’ to The Ruby Lounge in Manchester. It’ll be another great gig! (Thanks to PaulCrutchley/PAC Photography for the photos)

‘PAC Photography’, who will be at The Robin, Wolverhampton this Saturday to photograph Toyah’s ‘Changeling Resurrection’ gig, have an excellent selection of archive photos of Toyah and The Humans at their website.
The website includes photos of Toyah from the ‘From Sheep Farming To Anthem’ gig at the Slade Rooms, Wolverhampton last October and photos from two of The Humans concerts, at The Public, West Bromwich and HMV Institute, Birmingham, both also from last October. (access via: View your pictures – Live Music)
There are also photos taken at The Power of Three film premiere at the Everyman Theatre in Hampstead, London in November last year. (access via: View your pictures – events)
• Visit ‘PAC Photography’ here.
Just a preview of a few more of Damon’s photos from last night’s gig. All of these and more, plus all the others I’ve received from the London, Bristol and Brighton gigs, will be added to the new ‘TCR 2012’ page at Dreamscape’s Gallery – Coming Soon! (Thanks to Damon King)

More fantastic shots of Toyah. These will all be added to the gallery. (Thanks to Damon King)

An am-aaz-ing shot of Toyah from last night’s gig. Click to zoom. (Thanks to Damon King)

Fantastic photos of Toyah onstage last night at Bush Hall, London. ‘The Changeling Resurrection’ certainly made its mark on the capital! Please click on each of the below to view larger versions. (Thanks to Greg Fowler for the photos)

A few “Lee-tastic” photos of Toyah from Wednesday night’s gig in Bristol. Please click on each of the photos to view larger versions. (Thanks to Lee Jones – I love the centre one, Lee!)

• View more great photos from the Bristol ‘TCR’ gig here.
More colourful photos of Toyah, and band, from Bristol. Please click on each of the below to view larger versions. (Thanks to Paul Cable, pictured with Toyah, for the photos)

More photos from The Tunnels gig, Bristol on Wednesday night. Please click on each of the photos to view larger versions. (Thanks again to Angus for all these great Toyah shots)

Three more brilliant photos of Toyah, by Chris, from Wednesday night’s gig in Bristol. Please click on each of the photos to view larger versions. (Thanks again to Chris Cox)

Another two of Toyah from Bristol. Click on each for larger versions. (Thanks to Chris Cox)

Photos from the second gig of ‘The Changeling Resurrection’ tour at The Tunnels, Bristol on Wednesday night. These shots of Toyah are by Angus Turner (pictured alongside our favourite changeling), who said Toyah went down a storm with the Bristol audience. Please click on each of the photos to view larger versions. (Thanks to Angus who is always so generous with his gig photos – Hello also to Zoe (from Cornwall) who was at the Bristol concert, from Angus)

More of Andy’s excellent photos of Toyah from Saturday night. These and many more accompany the ‘This Is Not Retro’ five star review of the gig. View larger versions by clicking on each photo. (Thanks to Richard Evans | Photos © Andy Sturmey)

• View all of the great photos from the gig, here. Thanks to everyone who has sent photos to Falling To Earth, they are all very much appreciated!
More fantastic photos from ‘The Changeling Resurrection’ premiere gig at Brighton. These and many more accompany the ‘This Is Not Retro’ five star review of the gig. View larger versions by clicking on each photo. (Thanks to Richard Evans | Photos © Andy Sturmey)

More brilliantly colourful photos of Toyah, and band, from Brighton. Please click on each of the below to view larger versions. (Thanks again to Sharon Dickson)

A brilliant photo of Toyah onstage at the Concorde2 on Saturday. Click on this to view a larger version. (Photo by Sharon Dickson | Please return later for more fantastic photos by Sharon)

More photos of Toyah with fans at Concorde2 in Brighton. A special hello to Keijo and Pentti (pictured below) who travelled from Finland to see ‘The Changeling Resurrection’ and Toyah. Please click below to view larger versions of the photos. (Thanks to Lärwi and Erja)

More great shots of Toyah onstage at Saturday’s first ‘Changeling Resurrection 2012’ gig in Brighton. Please click on these to view larger versions. (Thanks again to Angus Turner)

The first promo photo for Sleeping Beauty 2012. Click to visit the Marlowe Theatre’s website.