A trio of festive articles from Christmases past. Christmas Memories from ‘No. 1’ magazine in 1983, Star Surprises from ‘Celebs’ magazine in 2005, and a Christmas feature from ‘Sunday Express’ magazine in 2008 (which included a festive illustration by Daniel Mitchell).
O come, All Ye Faithful: Sunday Express (21st December 2008)
The festive season isn’t just about parties and presents, even for the stars. Gillian Rowe talks to some well-known people about where they worship on Christmas Day, and what the occasion means to them.
Toyah Willcox: Each Christmas Eve my husband Robert and I go to the midnight carol service at my local parish church. I’m normally working over Christmas, singing at rock concerts or appearing in panto, so I find myself rushing home from wherever I am to get to the service on time. The church is full to the rafters, with 300 people or more, and everyone takes communion.
I believe in remembering the Christian values of Christmas, which for me are about bringing a community together and celebrating the birth of all children. Also, for me, Christmas is more important than the New Year as a time to look over what you have achieved in the previous 12 months. I love singing Silent Night and Away In A Manger. I first sung them at school, and we were all so innocent then. There was no persecution, terrorism or religious hatred when I was growing up in Birmingham. Of course, the history of Christianity, like many religions, is peppered with violence, but for me the principles of Christianity are sound. I think it’s important for children to be taught the power of prayer, the importance of community and compassion. For me a carol service awakens this in all children.
Star Surprises: Our Fave Gifts: Celebs Magazine (December 2005)
The celebs reveal all about the very best pressies they’ve ever found under the Christmas tree. Amazingly, they aren’t all diamonds and sports cars.
TOYAH WILLCOX ‘A lifesize terracotta statue of a horse and warrior. On Christmas day in 1991, my husband insisted I walk around the garden and there it was. I still love it.’
Christmas Memories: No. 1 (24th December 1983)
What was the best Christmas you ever had?
The best Christmases ever was when I was a kid because I had the security of my family and all the traditions were kept. I used to get tons and tons of pressies. Up until the age of ten I was having really good christmases. I spent one Christmas in complete euphoria after doing the Drury Lane Whistle Test which was two years ago. It was such a wonderful night.
• Continue reading Christmas Memories at Dreamscape’s Press Archive.