Full transcripts of a selection of Toyah’s recent radio interviews are available to read at the Toyah Willcox Interview Archive. A collection of 11 are linked to below. Toyah talks In The Court Of The Crimson Queen… and much more! (Photos © Official Toyah)
• BBC Radio Ulster: The Arts Show: 26.03.2019 – I believe my generation will always be punk. We were born to rebel and I think that is the generation that is forgetting to grow old – Continue reading…
• BBC Radio Guernsey: John Randall: 27.03.2019 – I was sixty last year on May the 18th and my fans downloaded me to number 1. The unusual thing about that is that I was at that time an unsigned artist. That led to me to having a record deal and re-imagining the album because it’s been around for about ten years – Continue reading…
• BBC Radio Kent: Dominic King: 27.03.2019 – When we released it in 2008 it was literally like a fan release. Very limited edition, only available to the fans who knew my work, who came to see the band. Last year on May the 18th I turned 60 and unbeknownst to me my fans downloaded me to number one in the charts and there was a slight problem with this good news. Because I was not signed to a record label we couldn’t ask for radio play even though I was number one – Continue reading…
• BBC Radio Cornwall: David White: 28.03.2019 – It’s kind of confusing that you have to say it’s a re-working because for the majority of people who only remember me from the 1980’s this is actually a brand new album – Continue reading…
• BBC Radio Derby: Steve Jordan: 28.03.2019 – Vinyl is just the phenomena of today isn’t it – because vinyl is selling more than every other product at the moment – Continue reading…
• BBC Radio Wales: Eleri Sion: 29.03.2019 – For many people it is a new album. For my dedicated fans – they know it. The writing for this started in 2007 and the first single from this album “Sensational” was the Weight Watchers campaign song on TV – Continue reading…

• BBC Radio London: Jo Good: 12.04.2019 – I have all the social media outlets and I provide the content but I employ someone, who I met when he was 4 years old, a Toyah fan, who was considered to be my youngest fan – he’s now just hit 40 and he now manages my archive, my social media, he’s even the executor of my will – Continue reading…
• BBC Radio Sussex/Surrey: Mark Carter: 14.04.2019 – Some people have described it as pure joy and is a joyous album and there’s absolutely no point in me trying to be serious and adult. I do energy and I think this album has it and yes, I really love it. I’ve been living with some of these songs as long as ten years – Continue reading…
• BBC Radio Hereford & Worcester: Tammy Gooding: 09.04.2019 – I’m having a really good time. Everything with the album has had such a positive reaction and I’m 61 this year and I didn’t expect this to be happening in my life and it’s really good – Continue reading…
• BBC Radio Devon: Richard Green: 20.04.2019 – At that time I was an unsigned artist and politically to get radio play and presence you have to be on a label. So a label called Demon Records said “we have to release this because there’s an audience who desperately want it”. So the first song of the album, “Sensational”, did start its life around 2009 – Continue reading…
• Gaydio: Phil Marriott Meets: 03.04.2019 – It’s very crimson. It’s “In The Court Of The Crimson Queen”. We started writing it ten years ago and we slowly drip-fed it to the fans as we toured constantly. So what happened – the only way I can explain is because if people know nothing about me … I was 60 on May the 18th last year and the fans downloaded me to number one in the charts and it was really quite extraordinary because I’m an unsigned artist – Continue reading…
• All of the above Toyah interviews transcripts, and numerous others, can also be read at the Toyah Willcox Interview Archive at Tumblr.