Well I sell my soul to Faust, each and every night for you…
An incredible lyric to start a song with. Even at 13 it impressed me, although I didn’t actually have a clue what it meant at the time. ‘Run Wild, Run Free’ is one of the standout tracks on The Changeling. No mean feat when you consider how good the entire album is.
A muted and subdued beginning belies the intensity of the song, and some of the lyrics sound incredibly personal and directed at a particular person: “It’s a lonely time, I’ve walked from the limelight, into an empty cobbled street… for you” .
Toyah’s voice is outstanding throughout, as are her own backing vocals. I really believe(d) she means every word she sings, and the band as always sound great. I love the energy and intensity, and the drama, of ‘Run Wild, Run Free’ from beginning to end – although there isn’t really an end as it segues brilliantly into ‘Brave New World’!
Written by the juggernaut songwriting team of Willcox/Bogen, produced by Steve Lillywhite and released in Summer 1982, it is one of the best Toyah songs of the Safari years.

Where the mountains meet the sea…
I’ve always loved ‘Thunder In The Mountains’. It’s a great pop song; slightly over the top lyrics, excellently synth-driven, with a pulsating rhythm and memorable chorus/hook, “Can you hear it breaking through…“, and a huge production by Nick Tauber. I’ve always said that if this was used in a big budget movie it would easily be as massive again as it was back in 1981. Music this well produced doesn’t date!
Of course this was Toyah moving further away from their early ‘Sheep Farming in Barnet/The Blue Meaning’ “coolness”, eras that are still popular 30-odd years later with fans, but most bands and artists want to progress and reach bigger audiences.
Toyah did this by evolving and adopting a more commercial sound and embracing mainstream/kid’s television, but they still managed to retain a quirkiness that set them way apart from the run-of-the-mill popsters of the early 80s. ‘Thunder In The Mountains’ illustrates that perfectly. This was Toyah’s eighth UK single, written by Toyah, Adrian Lee and Nigel Glockler, with a spectacular promo video by Godley and Creme.
Toyah’s visuals were a significant aspect of her, and the band’s, appeal. The imagery for TITM was possibly the most adventurous yet. Why Toyah isn’t lauded far more loudly in New Wave/Romantic/80s documentaries and articles really is a mystery. Thankfully fans in their own way are ensuring the wonderful imagery isn’t being forgotten.

I’m hoping to add a new ‘Song Of The Week’ each Monday. If anyone would like their’s added here please get in touch. It doesn’t have to be a single.