It’s Tuesday, and that means Official Toyah are continuing the countdown to the Remastered and Expanded editions of Toyah’s Gold-selling album Anthem – released by Cherry Red Records on 9th September.
This vintage interview comes from TISWAS, September 1981 as the single Thunder In The Mountains was newly released. Premieres 6pm, Tuesday 16th August 2022.

Pete Prodge has tweeted that his new interview with Toyah airs this Saturday at Tiswas Online.
Been chatting with Toyah about The Goodies, Kenny Everett, Laurel And Hardy, Buster Keaton, Harold Lloyd and some Saturday morning show called Tiswas. The interview airs this Saturday.
• Watch online at Tiswas Online this Saturday morning at 10.30am (yes, the same time that the show used to air in the 1980s on ITV every Saturday! – Not sure if the Phantom Flan Flinger will make an appearance, but you never know!)
Sad news, Status Quo founder Rick Parfitt died today. The Guardian have published a tribute – Rick Parfitt – A Life in Pictures: Rick Parfitt appearing on Tiswas with Rick Wakeman and Toyah Willcox. (Photograph: ITV/Rex/Shutterstock)

Video: Was Toyah’s the very first ever Ice Bucket Challenge?
Punk rock icon Toyah Willcox, who plays an intimate Totnes concert featuring all her smash hits on Saturday night, may have been the original Ice Bucket Challenge celebrity. This clip from 30 years ago shows Toyah taking part in the Bucket of Water Supporters Club challenge as part of the popular TV programme Tiswas.
• Continue reading/watch the clip at the Torquay Herald Express.
A short, but fantastic, clip of one of Toyah’s appearances on TISWAS in 1981. Performing “I’m A Misery” with the band and various presenters, and then flanned by the Phantom Flan Flinger. A classic clip. Click on the caps to watch, and visit Dreamscape’s You Tube Channel.