
Posts Tagged ‘I Believe in Father Christmas’

Official Toyah: Toyah’s Christmas Countdown

December 14th, 2012

Toyah’s Christmas Countdown is well and truly under way at, with the third reveal today. There’s a new box to open every day at around 1pm right through until Christmas Eve… Not only that but to celebrate its 30th anniversary ‘I Believe In Father Christmas’ is to be released as a digital single very soon.

Toyah @ Christmas: I Believe in Father Christmas

December 8th, 2012

I think I’ve mentioned I Believe in Father Christmas every December for the last 13 years, so here we go again… Toyah covers the Greg Lake 1975 classic (which I didn’t realise also features Robert Fripp until Toyah mentioned it this week on Toyah’s Christmas at the Zoo) for ITV’s Pop Goes Christmas in 1982. She sounds great, looks amazing and Keith Hale and Joel Bogen are having a right old festive time in the forest of lit up trees. Bravo!