Artist and Illustrator Mark Satchwill has created some wonderful Toyah art over the last five years, including The Changeling, and Snow Covers The Kiss – as well as the fantastic Thunder In The Mountains for Dreamscape Fanzine (see the cover here). This week Mark has painted four Toyah headshots and created a Toyah wallpaper with them. Visit Mark at his Instagram | Blog | Twitter | Facebook. (Photo © Mark Satchwill)

Pay a visit to Mark Satchwill’s Instagram to view some incredible new Toyah art from him.

• Mark Satchwill: Snow Covers The Kiss: So I’m a big Toyah fan and have been for nearly 35 years. I’ve painted her several times over the last few years. Back in 1985 she released a song called “Snow Covers The Kiss”. It was relegated to a B-side of the single “Don’t Fall In Love (I Said)” but for me it was equally as good. So this image came about from imagining if “Snow” had been the single and needed a cover image – View/Continue reading… (Photo © Mark Satchwill)
• Let’s Rock Bristol: Toyah hangs out with Darth Vader in Bristol – View the photo @ Instagram…
• Bristol 24-7: Thousands get the taste of a Bristol summer: Some 14,000 people turned up for Grillstock at the amphitheatre and a host of 1980s stars performed at the Let’s Rock Bristol festival at Ashton Court… Over at Ashton Court, a host of 80s pop stars took to the stage to the delight of nostalgia-seeking crowds, including Rick Astley, Tony Hadley, Toyah, Midge Ure and Sunday night headliners Level 42 – Continue reading…
• JM Barrie – Peter Pan: Episode One, Away To Neverland, is available to listen to at BBC iPlayer for the next week.
• Fandor: Derek Jarman: The World Is All: Spells are cast and love is spun throughout Jarman’s films: …Toyah Willcox (as Miranda) and David Meyer (as Ferdinand) beholding a brave new world in ‘The Tempest’ – Continue reading…
• Rock N Roll In My Blood: 34 Years Ago Toyah Released The Blue Meaning: The Blue Meaning is the second album by Toyah, released in 1980 by Safari Records. Although not the first full-length release, this is often considered to be the band’s first “proper” album. It saw its first release on CD in 1990 on the Great Expectations label (As PIPCD 015), and was reissued in a double-CD package with Sheep Farming in Barnet in 2002. The latter release was remastered and included two bonus tracks – Continue reading…
There’s now just one, yes one, day to go until the first gig of ‘The Changeling Resurrection 2012’ tour.
To celebrate the 30th anniversary of ‘The Changeling’, artist Mark Satchwill created this amazing Toyah art.
Mark said: “It’s 30 years since Toyah released The Changeling, and as she is touring the album I thought I would do a painting to mark the occasion. The painting is inspired by Toyah’s amazing and colourful image and the songs lyrics of the album. It was painted digitally in ArtRage 3.5 Pro.”
A fantastic, lasting tribute to the album, it’s lyrics, themes and imagery. Visit Mark’s official website, and his blog.

This great ‘Crimson Queen’ Toyah art by Cliff Matthews is definitely worth another look. It really captures Toyah’s “Crimson Queen” aura and would look amazing on a wall!
It’s available to buy: £285 (70x50cm, acrylics on box canvas), and Toyah herself has saw the painting and given it her seal of approval and trademark “Big Love” autograph.
View the painting here and Toyah with Cliff, here.
It would be good if the same could happen with Mark Satchwill’s amazing works of Toyah art.
Mark Satchwill’s amazing painting inspired by Toyah’s ‘The Changeling’ is now available to buy as an 8×10 print from Etsy.
As well as a print, small poster or postcard from Red Bubble. A great gift for any Toyah fan.
The latest painting of Toyah by artist Mark Satchwill.
Based on ‘The Changeling’ imagery and the song lyrics on the album, it’s a beautiful tribute in this 30th anniversary year.
It’s a digital work, painted in ArtRage and would be around 16 x 20 inches on canvas.
Mark has previously created ‘Four From Toyah’ and ‘The Blue Meaning’ Toyah art.
Please click on the photo to view a larger version and thanks to Mark for this. (Painting © Mark Satchwill)
• Visit ‘Mark Satchwill Art’, to view more of Mark’s work, here.