
Archive for the ‘Happy Anniversary’ Category

Toyah & Robert’s Upbeat Moments (Bonus)

May 24th, 2024

A Toyah & Robert’s Upbeat Anniversary & Birthdays’ Moments Bonus!

It’s Toyah & Robert’s Anniversary & Robert’s Birthday!

May 16th, 2024

Happy 38th Anniversary to Toyah & Robert, and a Happy 78th Birthday to Mr Fripp. See Toyah’s Happy Anniversary video, and Happy Birthday Robert. at Facebook. See also Seventy-Eight Celebrations! at DGM Live.

Toyah & Robert’s Week Of Celebration!

May 22nd, 2023

Toyah & Robert had a week of celebrations, Robert’s birthday, Toyah & Robert’s 37th Wedding Anniversary, and Toyah’s Birthday. As well as a Thank You from Toyah on her big day!

The Guardian also took note of Toyah’s birthday, and Classic Rock updated with a past interview with Robert – How I Met Toyah And Why I Love HerDGM Live recalled An Upbeat Week & Sunday Lunch.

Happy Anniversary & Happy Birthday Robert!

May 16th, 2023

Happy Anniversary to Toyah & Robert, and a Happy 77th Birthday to Mr Fripp. See DGM Live’s Seventy-Seven Celebrations! celebrating Robert’s day… and It’s Toyah & Robert’s 37th Anniversary today at You Tube.

Toyah & Robert: A Special Message From The Fripps!!

May 16th, 2022

It’s a special day in the Frippcox household!!! Happy 36th Anniversary to Toyah & Robert, and Many Happy Returns to Robert.

Happy Anniversary & Birthday Wishes

May 16th, 2020

Happy 34th Anniversary, and a Happy Birthday to Robert. Click below for a song!

Happy Anniversary & Happy Birthday

May 16th, 2019

Happy Anniversary to Robert and Toyah. It’s 33 years since they married, and also since their first collaboration, The Lady Or The Tiger, was released. Best Wishes from Dreamscape. See Toyah’s anniversary and birthday tweets by clicking below.

Official Toyah: Anniversary & Birthday Photos

May 17th, 2018

Two great photos shared on social media yesterday in celebration of Toyah and Robert’s wedding anniversary and Mr Fripp’s 72nd birthday. (Photos © Toyah Willcox/Official Toyah)


Happy Anniversary & Happy Birthday Robert

May 16th, 2018

Wishing Mr & Mrs Fripp a Happy 32nd Anniversary, and Happy Birthday to Robert. Here is a selection of photos from over the years. Have a fantastic day.


Toyah & Robert: Thank You

May 25th, 2016

Toyah and Robert’s “Thank You” song. Click below to listen at Soundcloud.


Happy 30th Anniversary & Happy Birthday Robert

May 16th, 2016

Happy Anniversary to Toyah and Robert and Happy Birthday to Mr Fripp.


Categories: Happy Anniversary, Happy Birthday Tags:

Happy Anniversary & Birthday Wishes

May 16th, 2015

Wishing Toyah and Robert a Happy Anniversary, their 29th!, and Happy Birthday too to Mr Fripp. View Toyah’s Instagram post by clicking below, and the Official Toyah Twitter for more photos.


Happy Anniversary & Happy Birthday Robert

May 16th, 2014

Wishing Toyah and Robert a Happy Anniversary, their 28th!, and Happy Birthday too to Mr Fripp. Here is a selection of photos from over the years. Have a lovely day.


Categories: Happy Anniversary, Happy Birthday Tags:

Happy Anniversary & Birthday Wishes

May 16th, 2013

Wishing Toyah and Robert a Happy Anniversary, their 27th!, and Happy Birthday too to Mr Fripp. Here is that great photo, one of the first of Toyah and Robert together, taken the year they married, 1986, and also released their first collaboration; ‘The Lady Or The Tiger’.

Happy Anniversary

May 16th, 2012

Happy Anniversary to Robert and Toyah. It’s 26 years since they married, and also since their first collaboration, ‘The Lady Or The Tiger’, was released. Best Wishes from FTE.