Live 2014: CQ/GH…Live!: The Apex, Bury St Edmunds
March 23rd, 2014
Toyah onstage last night at The Apex, Bury St Edmunds for the third Crimson Queen/Greatest Hits…Live! tour date. The fantastic set list was: Thunder In The Mountains, Be Proud Be Loud (Be Heard), Broken Diamonds, Brave New World, Rebel Run, Good Morning Universe, Sensational, Latex Messiah (Viva La Rebel In You), Jungles of Jupiter, Neon Womb, Bird in Flight, It’s A Mystery, Lesser God, Come, Danced, I Want To Be Free. Encore: Dawn Chorus, Ieya. More photos will be added to Dreamscape’s Gallery later. (Thanks to Angus Turner for the photo & set list info)