
Posts Tagged ‘IRH Tour Countdown’

Official Toyah: The ‘Five Live’ EP Collection

October 30th, 2014

Due to one thing or another – being super busy with the Christmas fanzines, work, life, and having a week’s holiday – I missed posting about the final day of’s great IRH Tour countdown. It was the third “Five Live” Toyah EP, so now is a good time to look at the set:


Five Live (Volume One: Rarities): Indecision (Belfast 1981); Ghosts (London 1981); We Are (London 1981); Victims Of The Riddle (Germany 1982); The Packt (Glasgow 1982) – Listen here…

Five Live (Volume Two: Hits): It’s A Mystery (Belfast 1981); I Want To Be Free (Germany 1982); Thunder In The Mountains (Germany 1982); Good Morning Universe (Germany 1982); Brave New World (Glasgow 1982) – Listen here…

Five Live (Volume Three: Classics): Race Through Space (Belfast 1981); Angels & Demons (Belfast 1981); Neon Womb (Germany 1982); Angel and Me (Glasgow 1982); Jungles Of Jupiter (Glasgow 1982) – Listen here…

• Revisit the full countdown at The Official Toyah Willcox Website.

IRH Tour: Countdown Days #15, 16, 17

October 17th, 2014

fivelive14bIt’s the penultimate day of’s countdown to the start of the Songs From The Intergalactic Ranch House tour. Yes, the first gig takes place tomorrow in Birmingham (Toyah has been tweeting photos of more potential outfits for the tour).

On Wednesday a selection of Intergalactic Ranch House era pamphlets & leaflets were made available via the countdown. Yesterday vintage live performances of classic singles from UK & Germany were added as ‘Five Live | Vol Two: Hits’, and today a scrapbook of articles and reviews, some rare, from the late 70s/early 80s.

• Visit the countdown/Open door 17 here.

IRH Tour: Countdown Day #14

October 15th, 2014

Day 14 of the countdown to Toyah’s IRH Tour saw a new Jubilee page/section added to – Open door 14 by clicking below.


IRH Tour: Countdown Days #11, 12, 13

October 13th, 2014

fivelive14aIt’s Day 13 of the countdown to Toyah’s Songs From the Intergalactic Ranch House tour, and the first date, taking place at the HMV Institute in Birmingham this Saturday.

Day 11 of the countdown saw some fantastic rare photos of Toyah from 1980 added to the official site. Yesterday the ‘Five Live | Vol One: Rarities’, a selection of live songs from various 1981/82 Toyah tours, was made available.

Today there’s an archive of press adverts and posters for Toyah tours and gigs, including some rare early clippings.

• Visit the countdown/Open door 13 here.

IRH Tour: Countdown Days #9 & 10

October 10th, 2014

Yesterday was day nine of’s, excellent and eclectic, countdown to the start of the Songs From The Intergalactic Ranch House tour, with an acoustic version of ‘Dreamscape’ being made available. Today a Sheep Farming In Barnet archive has been added to Toyah’s Official Website. Open door ten by clicking below…


• Toyah has been tweeting over the last few days about possible outfit ideas for the Intergalactic Ranch House tour, saying she may wear something different for each date, and posting a photo of a previously unseen design by Melissa Caplan.

IRH Tour: Countdown Days #7 & 8

October 8th, 2014

Yesterday there was another instalment of “Ask Toyah” via door seven at’s countdown to the start of the Songs From The Intergalactic Ranch House tour, and today “The Live Archive 1978 – 1983” has been launched. Open door eight by clicking below…


IRH Tour: Countdown Day #6

October 6th, 2014

It’s day six of’s countdown to the Intergalactic tour and today things have went all Sugar and Spice. Click below to open door six.


IRH Tour: Countdown Day #5

October 5th, 2014

The tour countdown continues, today it’s a look at one of the most legendary points of Toyah’s career (for me anyway): The 1980 ATV documentary TOYAH. Open door five by clicking below…


IRH Tour: Countdown Day #4

October 4th, 2014

Day Four of the official countdown to Toyah’s Songs From The Intergalactic Ranch House UK Tour. The sheet music that was available for a selection of Toyah’s early 80s singles has been added to the new archive. Open door four by clicking below…


IRH Tour: Countdown Day #3

October 3rd, 2014

It’s the third day of’s countdown to Toyah’s Intergalactic tour and it’s a retrotastic goodie today: A flashback to Tales Of The Unexpected: Blue Marigold, which also launches an ACTING section at the Official Website which will feature pages on roles from Toyah’s acting career to date. Open door three by clicking below.


IRH Tour: The Countdown Continues!

October 2nd, 2014

The countdown to the start of Toyah’s new tour, Songs From The Intergalactic Ranch House, continues today at There’s the launch of a new archive section… Remember Toyah make-up from 1982? Open door two by clicking below. (Thanks to andy)


IRH Tour: The Countdown Has Begun!

October 1st, 2014

17 days until the Autumn Intergalactic Ranch House Tour kicks off. The countdown is now live: In a land of broken dreams only tears are free…


Official Toyah: Intergalactic Ranch House Tour Countdown

October 1st, 2014

The countdown to the start of Toyah’s new tour, Songs From The Intergalactic Ranch House, commences today at…
