11 March : Hi-De-Hi! |
time last night when the BBC repeated a
1985 episode of Hi-De-Hi! Who
knows, maybe more will follow.

4 March : I Love 1986 |
 Su was featured in I Love
1986 She was commenting on some of
the big events of the year, including
Bruce Willis, 'power' ballads, and big
also showed some old Su clips from this
year too.

14 March : TV & Radio
Awards |
Su attended
the Television & Radio Awards
yesterday at Grosvenor House.
7 March : Hi-De-Hi! |
De Hi! returns to BBC 1 this Saturday
(10 March) with the episode 'Spaghetti
Galore' from 1986. In this episode Gladys
has a date with Clive Dempster but then
when Joe Maplin's right hand man also
invites her out on the same night, it is
left to Peggy (played, of course, by Su)
to come to the rescue with her motorcycle
and sidecar....
2 March : Su News Bits |
Su is
off to Cannes in early April to help
promote the new animated series The
Little Robots in which she voices one
of the characters.
The edition of Songs Of
Praise Su appears in is scheduled for
broadcast on BBC1 on April 1. She will be
singing "Day By Day".