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SohoCreate: Inspiration And The Blank Page

May 22nd, 2014

sohocreate14bTickets are now available for Toyah talking at the event Inspiration and the Blank Page, with Helen David, part of SohoCreate.

The inspiration is the easy bit, turning it into something worth spending a chunk of our life working on is the challenge. How do we fan the creative flames to bring the tiny spark into a real idea that can build into a project of worth? How do we know which ideas will sustain and which do not have the legs to survive.

The risk of committing to a single idea above all others is huge, where does the bravery to make the choice come from? I can’t wait to hear Helen and Toyah talk about what they do when inspiration strikes.

Location: The House of St Barnabas | Time: Thursday 5 June 16:15 to 17:30

• Book now for Inspiration and the Blank Page with singer Toyah Willcox and designer Helen David at the SohoCreate website.

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