I have seen her, todays hottest rock singer
in the world, Toyah (Willcox). Compared to this
tiny redheaded whirlwind rest of the female
singers- and some men- look like salt statues.
Toyah is 145 centimetres of pure sex appeal and
After the concert Suosikki Magazine got an
exclusive interview with Toyah, an honour not
bestowed on many publications in the world.
Markku Fagerlund asked the questions and Toyah
answered. At the same time Toyah read the latest
issue of Suosikki and liked it so much she sent
the readers a special message: Keep going
Toyah Willcox is a 23 year old multi-talented
artist who has this year finally reached the top.
Her latest album Anthem has been well
received in most European countries (its
number 2 in the UK at the moment) and her gigs
have been massively successful.
As well as being a famous singer Toyah is an
actress. Weve been able to admire her sexy
persona in Quadrophenia,
Jubilee, The Corn Is
Green and various TV series including
Radioetsivä (Shoestring) which aired
also in Finland.
In this December she has been on the road so we
got a chance to see the untamed singer which the
whole of Europe is talking about.
Despite being tiny Toyah is like a redheaded
tornado and a world class act. A proper parcel of
speed, she does not let the audience rest for a
To back her up she has four musicians lead by
guitarist Joel Bogen, Toyahs writing
partner of many years. On the records
Toyahs music is mystical melodic rock which
conveys various different moods, a bit like a
mixture of David Bowie and Kate Bush - but live
it sounds a lot
harder. Synthesisers and drums build a solid
foundation which Toyah manipulates with her sexy
She knows how to entertain. Dressed in a black
mini-skirt (which is nothing more than a wide
belt really), tights and a little top Toyah
dances around the stage with her cordless mike.
Sometimes she kneels down at the edge of the
stage to strike a pose but is soon up again
twirling around.
Most of the songs are from Anthem. At
first the audience do not know how to react to
this devil but they start to loosen
up and when the concert ends with I Want To
Be Free, Toyahs most well known song,
they rush right in front of the stage and sing
along. Yet another conquest for Toyah.
The Toyah I meet after the concert is a lot
calmer (thankfully) and a really sympathetic
character. There are no signs of being a diva and
even in normal clothes without make-up she still
looks damn sexy.
Suosikki: Which is more important to you
- singing or acting?
Toyah: Both. I wouldnt do them both
otherwise. I love acting, Ive been acting
since I was a child and its a part of me.
But I cant live without music because when
I sing Im really myself. When youre
acting you always play someone else, a role.
Suosikki: What got you interested in an
acting career?
Toyah: When I was at school I used to make up all
sorts of stories and pretend to be whatever
just to make my life more interesting. I
guess thats how it got started.
Suosikki: What about music? Did you have
certain idols?
Toyah: Of course, many. But David Bowie and Marc
Bolan were the main ones. I adore Bowies
ability to change his appearance like a chameleon
and his music. He is always one step ahead of
Suosikki: Judging by your record covers,
stage clothes and dramatic make-up, image is very
important to you?
Toyah: Its very important. I spend an
enormous amount on the record cover designs
for example we spent 24 hours taking
photos for one cover before I was happy with it.
Somebody might say there is a danger in creating
such strong images but I dont think so
after all were a live band as well.
If we spent all of our time in the studio and
people could not see me in real life the images
might become self-serving which has happened to
many bands. The many mystical images are just a
part of me.
Suosikki: In your concerts you often go
and sit with the audience and talk to them.
Isnt it dangerous for a woman?
Toyah: Only in England where they start grabbing
and touching me straight away. But I love being
close to the audience.
Suosikki: How do you deal with the people
who touch you physically?
Toyah: Feel this (she beckons me to touch her
bicep which is really hard) I slam them down.
Suosikki: When are you planning on
calming down, maybe get married and have kids?
Toyah: Not for years, Im still a child
myself. At least thats what I think. My
biggest love at the moment are rabbits. When I
find somewhere suitable to settle down Im
going to start breeding rabbits. They are so
cute, they do the stupidest things, have big old
ears and munch grass all day. Im crazy
about them.
Suosikki: You have your own make-up
Toyah: Yeah, so that the kids can imitate me. Not
really, Ive designed a cheap range for kids
which is named after me. The idea is to give them
tips how to use make-up properly - because of my
job I know all of the make-up secrets. At the
moment its being manufactured by three
different factories and the sales have gone
through the roof.
It hasnt always been a bed of roses for
Toyah. Last spring she fainted in the middle of a
concert because of stress and exhaustion. Her
whole career was in danger.
Toyah: The doctor said it was touch and go that I
didnt die. I was told to end the tour but I
carried on with sheer guts. Since then Ive
made sure it doesnt happen again. I make
sure daily that I look after my health (ballet,
jazz dance, gymnastics) and I watch what I eat.
One experience like that was enough, it was
horrible I thought my heart was going to
explode and I felt incredible pain. I will never
forget it.
Thanks to Lärwi