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Dreamscape Runs To The Water’s Edge…

April 10th, 2022

This website flew (almost like a Bird in Flight!) into it’s 23rd year online last month. I started creating Dreamscape in the late 1990s, while I was also, slowly, teaching myself how to build a website with basic html. So I like to think of this website as existing in two millennia… even though it didn’t actually go live until March 2000, after a failed launch in late 1999!

I’ve thought about changing the website – It’s not one of those flashy “with bells on” sites but it does the job it’s supposed to do well I think, and I worry changing it to one of those websites would spoil it. Who knows…

I always said – as certain people like to remind me – I’d stop running a fansite (or a fanzine!) at 50, but I’m now the ripe young age of 54 with no plans, anytime soon, of stopping!!! (NB: I’m hoping to bring the News Archive up to date, at some point this year, by adding links to each of the past 18 months of news that hasn’t been “”archived” yet!)